Dr. Mathias Steinach who will be with us for the second time to study the effects the 430 mile race has got on runners is still looking for athletes. He already came for research in 2013. In 2015 he will be back to get more data. Mathias works for the renown Center for Space Medicine Berlin which is part of the University there. Athletes who participate not only help understand better what extreme environments do to us humans in general. They will of course also gain very interesting insight on how our race affects their body.
The premiere two years ago worked really well. Mathias found a way to get all the data necessary without interfering with the race rhythm of the participants. He is looking for four more athletes who would like to be part of this. So, if you are interested, please send me a quick email (info@thegreatoutdoors.de) and I will send you more detailed information on what exactly will be done.
Medical Certificates
I just want to remind all participants of the MYAU 2015 not to forget their medical certificates. A start without this certificate signed by a doctor is not possible. It may be possible to get the certificate in Whitehorse but of course having to run after this just days before the race causes stress and can be costly.
Application & Waiver
In order to spend less time with paperwork in Whitehorse I would like to ask all athletes from European countries to send their original Application & Waiver and all the forms it contains to the following address:
Robert Pollhammer
Rathausplatz 14
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Please keep a copy in case the envelope gets lost in the mail. Take your copy with you to Whitehorse just in case.
All athletes who are from countries outside of Europe, please take your original paperwork with you to Whitehorse and hand it in there. This also goes for pages 1 to 4 of your Application & Waiver which you may have sent in by email already.
Training course
So far we have very few athletes signed up for the training course. Therefore, I just want to remind you all that the training course is mandatory for all those without previous cold weather experience. If most of you have the experience and that is why you have not signed up, that’s awesome. If you have not been out in temperatures below – 20 degrees Celsius please sign up by emailing me until January 1st. I need to have the numbers as I need to confirm the room booking and catering. Showing up on short notice won’t work I am afraid.
MYAU documentary on Japanese national TV
At the MYAU 2015 the Japan Broadcasting Corp. (N.H.K.) will film for a 100 minute sport documentary. It will be part of a series that also covers some of the world’s most amazing races.
To fill 100 minutes of documentary you need to tell interesting stories. And that is why the production team would like to get to know our athletes a little better. So, if you don’t mind, please take a few minutes to answer the below questions and email this to info@thegreatoutdoors.de. I will then forward it to the production team.
Your Name:
Contact (email) if it is okay for them to contact you:
MYAU experience (past participation):
1) Please tell us about your personal aim in the race?
2) What motivates you to this extreme race?
3) What do your family or friends say about your participation?
4) During the most difficult situation or challenging part, what would emotionally support you to keep going?
Race Photography
In a previous news update I had already told you that in 2015 Yann Besrest-Butler will be our official race photographer. We will do our best to get Yann out on the trail as often as possible and that he can take pictures of everyone. If he catches up to you and manages to take some photos, it is possible to purchase photography from him. He will provide one image for GBP 25.00 and 5 images for GBP 100.00. This is an offer of course. Should you not want to spend money on photography you can always ask checkpoint crew or other athletes to take your picture.
If you want to see some of Yann’s work, please check out his website www.yannbb.com.