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Michele Graglia from Italy wins 100 mile race

Michele arrived at the Braeburn 100 mile finish line after 21h 56min. Only local athlete Justin Wallace managed to have a better time in 2012. Congratulations Michele! Really well done.

Later this morning we had to bring Virginia Sarrazin by ski-doo from Dog Grave Lake to Braeburn. She go frostbite on her toes. Luckily nothing that will last but enough to have to stop racing. Virgina is already back in her hometown Whitehorse.

Domenico Barbalace from Italy will also come out on ski-doo. Due to back problems and a bit of frostbite he pushed his SPOT help-button.

In the meantime, Florian Reiterberger from Germany is leading the field of 300 milers. He is on his way to Ken Lake where the crew is ready to welcome him. He said he would just take it easy … Bavarian understatement I guess …

Just heard from Dog Grave Lake that John Dennis also had to scratch or was told to better stop. He has got a chest infection and will travel south on ski-doo with Tony and Ross.

Everybody else seems to be doing okay right now.

A great first day

The Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra (MYAU) 2016 started on time yesterday, at 10:30 AM at Shipyard’s Park in Whitehorse. It was very windy but relatively mild. The “warm” temperatures also meant that the trail was pretty soft at the beginning. But further down the track the ground got harder. So, great for marathon runners and our bikers. And even the xc-skiing was quite okay.

The marathon did indeed prove to be a fast race – the winner – David Eikelboom from Whitehorse came in to the finish at Rivendell Farm after 3 hrs 25 minutes. Of course cyclist Joel Hegner was first in the Mountain Bike Category with a winning time of 3 hrs 19 minutes. The trail was solid and the weather balmy with blue skies and sunshine. Who could ask for better conditions? It was only during the ride back to Whitehorse that marathon competitor Corey Nislow revealed he had just popped up from Vancouver for the day to do the marathon and was due on the afternoon flight home – how’s that for confidence in running time – and so he should be with a fast time of 3 hours 58 mins. Love your dedication Corey! The full results are now in the results table now.

Once the marathoners had come through the rest of the competitors either stopped for a break at Rivendell or continued on – someone who wasn’t going to stop was Michele Graglia aiming to finish the 100 miles in record time. As always the cyclists were ahead of the game and it soon became apparent that Florian and Tim were racing each other. As day light faded the temperatures dropped but not too drastically and by all accounts most people had a fairly comfortable night. And if they were lucky they may have seen some good Northern Lights along the trail. And so, on to day 2 …

White gas to be handed out at Coast Mountain Sports

From tomorrow onwards MYAU participants can fill their fuel bottles with white gas at Coast Mountain Sports in Whitehorse. If you want to make use of this free of charge service please do bring your own fuel bottles as the gas will be poured from 4 litre canisters. Thank you to all Coast Mountain Sports staff for helping with this!

Unfortunately, there is no Primus winter gas because there have been customs issues again. Primus have changed the shipment process but it’s still not working.

MYAU Facebook group

A great source for frequent news on the MYAU is our facebook group. It’s also great because anybody who is a member can post updates, pictures, etc. If you do use facebook please join! It’s fun to watch how the excitement is building up.

Trail news

As we already expected, the trail will have more overflow than normal. With a bit of luck a lot of it will freeze by Feb. 4th. But I am sure there will be enough left. So, Neo Overshoes are strongly recommended.

There is likely also more ice. Therefore, everyone should have Yaktrax or similar in order to get some grip.

Right now it also looks like the Pelly River is so rough that we can’t use it on the way from Pelly Crossing to Pelly Farm. It looks like we will be going out to Pelly Farm on the farm road and coming back on it again.


I may have said this before but I will say it again. All participants please read the rules and make sure you are familiar with them.

SPOT update

The SPOT units from are scheduled to arrive Feb. 3rd. So, it does look very likely that these will be handed out at the dinner rather than at the briefing.

Everyone please make sure you get the right batteries for them (see previous updates).

Once the race is on everyone at home just needs to click on the logo on our website to get to the page with the athlete’s positions.

Trail Update

The following trail update just came from Gary who marked the river trail from Whitehorse to Rivendell Farm:

“I was out marking the river today. The warm weather last week added long sections of overflow on the Yukon and Tahkini river. Today I wish I had a jet ski and not my ski doo. This week is supposed to cool off and should be good. But I suggest neos or some sort of over boot for the overflow and be prepared for lenghty slippery, sloped ice sections. YAU trail never the same twice- live it!!!”

The countdown is on

Not much longer now. Feb. 4th at 10:30 AM this year’s Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra will start. So far things are looking good. It is a bit warm and that does affect the trail conditions. However, it looks like it will not result in us having to change the start area. And since the forecast is for cooler temperatures again, we should be fine.

Gary has been out today for a first run of marking to Rivendell Farm. Stewart, Jo, Mike, Jessica and Robert Siefke were at Dog Grave Lake setting up that remote checkpoint. Snow on the trail there is very low in places and there is overflow.

Diane is preparing all other checkpoints and items which will be handed out to the athlete soon. Thank you Julie Pritchard for helping with this today!

So, it’s all falling into place. The athletes who already are here enjoy the relatively mild weather, training, shopping and relaxing before their great adventure. Anyone who is on their way or leaving for Whitehorse shortly I want to wish a safe journey!


There are no changes planned to the schedule:

February 1st, 2016

17:00 – 18:00 Hand-Out of the rental gear, Coast High Country Inn. If you can’t be there during that time please leave a message for me at the front desk of the hotel or contact me beforehand and we will arrange for a different time.

February 2nd, 2016

12:30 – 15:00 First part of the YAU training course (indoor) – for signed up athletes only, Coast High Country Inn

17:00 – 21:00 Second part of the YAU training course, trails near Whitehorse, meeting point in front of the Coast High Country Inn; again, only for athletes who signed up for the training course

February 3rd, 2016

08:00 – 09:00 De-brief of the training course, Coast High Country Inn

09:00 – 10:30 Official trail briefing and hand-out of SPOT units for ALL athletes, Coast High Country Inn 11:30 – 14:00 Gear check for all participants who did not participate in the training course, hand-in of any missing paper work, hand-out of maps, race bibs, Coast High Country Inn

15:00 – 16:00 Briefing for volunteers, Coast High Country Inn

from 17:00 Pre-race dinner for all athletes and volunteers, Coast High Country Inn

February 4th, 2016

10:30 Start of the Yukon Arctic Ultra 2016, Shipyard’s Park, Whitehorse

Paperwork in a race like this is important. So, I urge all participants to help us with this. When you come pick-up your maps, race bibs, etc. on Feb. 3rd from 11:30 to 14:00 please make sure you take the originals of all your paperwork with you. Unless you already sent the originals to me in Germany.

You will also be asked to sign the so called CARA waiver. This is a waiver from the Canadian Adventure Racing Association a necessary part in order for us to get insurance for the race. All waivers also must be signed by a witness.

Training Course

If you have not signed up for the training course but would like to do it, please let me know asap. Otherwise, participation is not possible. If you participate I recommend you already in the morning prepare the kit you want to take along for the outdoor session. You do have from 15:00 to 17:00 to finalise your packing. But every year we have one or two participants who struggle to make it by 17:00. If you already did most of the packing before, you will be less stressed.

You do not need to take all your kit. I will check stove lighting, sleeping system and that you can build a wood fire. Of course you need a headlamp and the right clothing.


I have not been approached by anyone requiring vegetarian food. So, I assume that any vegetarians will have extra food as most of the checkpoint meals do contain meat.

Also, please keep in mind that for Dog Grave Lake you will need an expedition meal. We will serve soup upon your arrival. Just so that you get something warm into you. But that will not be enough.

In general, please keep in mind to eat and hydrate well. It will help you avoiding exhaustion, hypothermia and frostbite.

If you have any food allergies, make sure to ask about the respective meals. And take extra expedition meals or other food just in case.


I would like to remind all athletes that frostbite does result in disqualification. And even though right now we do not expect extreme temperatures, it does not have to be – 40 degrees C to get frostbite.

Medical Support

I also want to make everyone aware that our medical team is happy to help with any questions, looking at sore feet, etc. But they are not there to treat every little blister. They will give you advice and also help with bad blisters but we ask you to provide the necessary dressing yourself. Furthermore, they will not hand out painkillers to people continuing to run, xc-ski or bike. The medicine the team has is mainly for people who end their race and e.g. need a painkiller to make an evacuation by ski-doo more comfortable.

Possible delay of SPOTs

There is a chance we will not be handing out the SPOTs at the race briefing. I will only know then. Should that happen we will aim for distributing them at the pre-race dinner.

Please remember everything about the SPOTs that had been written in previous news updates (e.g. 911 button can only be pushed in a life threatening situation!). Also, do not forget to buy the right batteries.

Anybody using the deLorme inReach, I need the URL of your shared map. Please email as soon as possible.

For all those using a private SPOT, my cell phone for receiving SPOT text messages is 1-867-332-0698.

Trail briefing for marathon participants

Marathon participants have to attend the briefing Feb. 3rd at 09:00. However, they do not have to attend all of the briefing. We will deal with the marathon first and then any athletes participating in this distance may leave.

Transfers for marathoners

Any marathon runners not requiring a transfer from the finish to Whitehorse please let me know by Monday if possible.

Drop Bags

Drop bags can be handed in after the pre-race dinner until about 22:00. You can also take the drop bags with you to the dinner. Room for handing the bags in is the same we use for the dinner.

Please keep in mind that your drop bags

  • should be robust (no plastic bags)
  • clearly labelled with your name, bib number AND checkpoint; make sure the label(s) can’t come off
  • not too bulky (no suitcases or large bags/backpacks please …)
  • will be exposed to freezing cold temperatures
  • should not contain anything that can break (camera, phone, etc.)
  • will not travel north, i.e. a drop bag from Breaburn will not be available in Carmacks or Pelly Crossing

You can deposit things in your drop bags that you do not want to take with you anymore. As long as it is not something mandatory.

Marathoners can give us a drop bag for Rivendell Farm.

Please keep checking the news for updates!

Rental Gear

All rental sleeping bags will be handed out in Whitehorse. In the past some European athletes already got their sleeping bags shipped to them prior to the race. Not this time. I am just mentioning this in case anybody who ordered one is wondering. I would also like to remind everyone renting a sleeping bag that it comes without a bivy bag and without a liner. Both of these products help giving some extra degrees of warmth and help keeping the sleeping bags clean. For that reason the liner is a must. Sleeping bags that are returned dirty will be cleaned at the expense of who rented. Bags with a damage will either be repaired or replaced and again any cost charged to the hirer. This goes for any rental gear. Therefore, all athletes with rental gear please have a good look at your gear before you start using it. Kind of like you would when renting a car …

Trail news

Trail news that are reaching us so far are surprisingly good. It looks like there are no issues with open water or more than the usual overflow. There is a lot of jumbled ice on Pelly River but I believe the rangers got the trail in already. Overall, there has been little snow but it seems just about enough and it snowed again a couple of days ago. I am always cautious, though. Things can change right until the day before we start. If there are any major changes I will inform again.

A message from Coast Mountain Sports

Very important for anyone who wants to buy kit in Whitehorse, e.g. Neo Overboots:

Welcome to Coast Mountain Sports, Yukon’s largest outdoor store!

Coast Mountain Sports is located in the heart of downtown Whitehorse at 4th and Main Street. We are the largest and most complete outdoor store of the north. We carry most major brands of equipment and clothing. Our staff boasts an incredible wealth of knowledge and can offer guidance so that you may find the right clothing and equipment for your next adventure.

As the Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra may be your next adventure please feel free to contact me, Corina, (in English or German) if you require any assistance or would like to preorder any equipment or clothing. Please remember that shipping in the north takes longer. So, please place orders asap to ensure timely arrival. You may contact me via email at

We welcome all MYAU athletes and wish you a wonderful adventure in the North! You can also find us at and please like our facebook page.

Cheers Corina

Organisational stuff

Happy New Year everyone!

Some things to remember for all MYAU 2016 athletes:

  • If your name is still on the race roster but you already know that you can’t come, please cancel your entry in writing (email is fine) asap. Otherwise, soon cancellation fees will apply.
  • Because we will be able to get enough rental units through the SPOTs will also be mandatory for the 100 miles. All Information about SPOTs are in previous news on If you bring your own SPOT and have not told me already, please do so asap.
  • Just a reminder that I will need the originals of all your forms in Whitehorse at the latest. So, if you have not sent me your originals, please bring these to the Yukon with you. If you did send me the originals please take your copies just in case.
  • Ultra distance athletes please do not forget about your medical forms and certificate. Without these forms you won’t be able to participate.
  • Keep in mind the rule changes earlier this year, i.e. updated temperature rating for sleeping bag, down jacket fill weight requirement and that you need your own food for Dog Grave Lake CP. Also, please keep in mind that we will need to see proof of sufficient insurance cover.
  • The pre-race schedule you will find here: Please check it again before your departure to see if there are any changes (different locations, new times).

If you have any doubts at all on any of the above, please let me know. Especially the paperwork is important. And some of this is almost impossible to get organised once in Canada.

Derek Crowe race photographer at MYAU 2016

Not only did Derek Crowe help us with our new Fatbike. He also will be our race photographer for the MYAU 2016! Which is awesome because he is a Yukoner and knows the trail. As a matter of fact he finished the MYAU 2015 race to Dawson on his bike. He will not be able to join us on all 8 race days but I am sure he will still get many nice photos. Welcome to the team Derek Crowe! For some of his work please check out his website.

Derek Crowe at the MYAU 2015 – Copyright: Derek Crowe

The YAU-Fatbike is here!

As of now we can offer a special edition fatbike to anybody who wants to participate in the MYAU and needs wheels for it. This fatbike is also available to non-participants. Just before Christmas I got the first one and took it out for a test drive. It was fun!

Since I am not an expert myself, I was really lucky to get the support of Kevin Turek and MAXX-Bikes. Kevin is a very ambitious rider and has been working in a bike shop for years. He will also be the main contact for anybody interested in purchasing. MAXX-Bike is a market leader in custom bike production. CEO Uwe Matthies himself has been leading the project.

I also took the opportunity to gather important information on fatbiking in winter in one dedicated section which not surprisingly is called “Fatbiking” and can be found in the Services area on If you have any questions, doubts or feedback, please let me know. Kevin’s contact details are: Cell +49 (0)177-267 8713 or email