Hypothermia and cold injuries are amongst the main concerns when participating in any outdoor activity in winter. So, knowing how to avoid these dangerns is very important for all MYAU athletes. Unfortunately, we also know that – even with perfect preparation – participants can suffer from both, hypothermia and frostbite. In that case it’s important to know the warning signs, different stages there are and how to treat any injuries. This not just goes for self-analysis but also for a scenario where an athletes comes across a fellow competitor who is in trouble. When this happens, knowing how to help can safe someone’s life.
Therefore, I am very happy that the “Baby It’s Cold Outside” course exists. It’s an awareness and educational program about hypothermia and cold injuries developed for professional Search and Rescue Responders. It’s also great for anybody venturing out into nature during the cold time of the year.
So, as we have done it in the past, any athlete in the MYAU needs to do the BICO course. It’s online, it’s free of charge and it can be split up over several sessions if need be. At the end of the course the system issues a certificate. To all athletes, please email me your certificate once you have done the course. Personally, I suggest you do it just a couple of weeks before the race. That ways things will be fresh in your memory. If you already did the course earlier this year, I suggest you do it again. Unless you are 100% sure you still know the answers.