All MYAU 2015 race photos taken by Yann Besrest-Butler are now available on www.yannbb.com for purchase. And there are a lot more photographs than what had been posted on arcticultra.de or in our facebook group. Yann worked very hard to be out on the trail as much as possible. It definitely was worth it. The photos are great! I hope you all enjoy them and buy plenty so Yann can come back in 2017 at the latest. Here is a message from him as to how the purchasing works:
“The official photos from Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra race 2015 are now online across 6 galleries. The galleries are ordered according to the photos that were taken between the checkpoints of each race distance. So if you did the 430 miler then there’s a chance you’ll be in all the galleries! If you would like to order digital downloads of your images, please make a note of the file number for these images (e.g. http://yannbb.com/430-miles/yau2015-4358) from the address bar and list them in the order form provided in the shop section of my site. If you choose the ‘ALL’ option, don’t worry about listing all your file numbers. List just one and I will source the rest. I hope this all makes sense. I wanted to make this a click and pay process but with 1,000 images to choose from my site had a panic attack! Hope you like the photos as I sure had fun taking them. Please go ahead and ‘LIKE’ my Facebook page YBB Photography as I’ll be posting a blog post of my turn events and favourite photos from the race. If you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me (yann@yannbb.com). Cheers, Yann Besrest-Butler“