From 2019 onwards Allied Feather & Down will be a new main sponsor for the Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra. This US company was founded in 1987 in Vernon, CA, specializing in the manufacture of the highest quality down and feather product. They are a family-run operation constantly innovating their products and processes to ensure they remain the quality leader. The Allied Feather & Down commitment extends to safeguarding the environment and the welfare of animals. Thanks in part to their ethical measures, they have earned the prestigious bluesign® approval.
Today, Allied is the world leader in the manufacture of the highest quality downs and their blends. They are proud to be the fill of choice for top-tier brands in the outdoor industry. Allied also plays an active role in setting global industry standards for down. They are a founding member of the International Alliance for the Pro Down Initiative and a member of the International Down and Feather Bureau (IDFB).
To have Allied Feather & Down as a new main sponsor is truly an honor. When it comes to extremely cold temperatures, down filled products to this day are the ones with the best warmth to weight ratio. That is why all MYAU participants have at least one down product with them. As outdoor athletes we love nature and we are very aware of the impact, products we use, have on our environment. So, it’s great to know a company like Allied has this at its core. We really welcome their support and look forward to giving them emotional content for their brand.
To find out more about Allied Feather & Down and how they make sure they are leading in environmental standards please have a look at alliedfeather.com.