Trackleaders.com has confirmed all our rental units. Those of you who bring their own SPOTs, please email me (info@thegreatoutdoors.de) following information:
- ESN (serial #) which you will find in the battery compartment and
- the URL of your shared link page (you need of course have your tracking service activated)
With this information Trackleaders.com can add you to the system that is set up for the MYAU and we and everybody else following the race will have you on the “radar”.
All athletes who rent a SPOT as always need to bring their own batteries to run the devices. You will need 4x AAA Energizer Lithium Ultimate (model # L-92). The SPOT will NOT work with regular alkaline batteries! Trackleaders.com does recommend a back-up set of batteries. I know these are expensive batteries but they last significantly longer than other batteries (especially in the cold) and also work with many other products like headlamps, etc.
Trackleaders.com have also offered to upload a photo that will show when people click on your tracking symbol. If you want that, please email a 150 x 150 pixel close-up portrait photo of yourself to Matthew at heymatthewlee@gmail.com. Please send him your full name, distance and race bib number (which is the number you have on the race roster).
I am still missing a lot of originals from paperwork. For those of you from outside of the EU that’s find. Please bring it to the Yukon with you. Athletes from within the EU who have missed the message and still need to hand in originals, please bring these now to the Yukon with you, too. Otherwise, your papers will end up in Germany while I am already in the Yukon.
VERY IMPORTANT: I need the MYAU Medical Certificate signed from a doctor from all ultra distance athletes. General medical certificates do not count. A start without a signed MYAU medical certificate is NOT possible.
Just in case you have not seen the schedule posted on arcticultra.de already, I will also show it here:
February 5th, 2015
17:00 – 18:00 Hand-Out of the rental gear and fuel, Coast High Country Inn. If you can’t be there during that time please leave a message for me at the front desk of the hotel or contact me beforehand and we will arrange for a different time.
February 6th, 2015
12:30 – 15:00 First part of the YAU training course (indoor) – for signed up athletes only, Gold Rush Inn
17:00 – 21:00 Second part of the YAU training course, trails near Whitehorse, meeting point in front of the Coast High Country Inn; again, only for athletes who signed up for the training course
February 7th, 2015
08:00 – 09:00 De-brief of the training course, Coast High Country Inn
09:00 – 10:30 Official trail briefing and hand-out of SPOT units and fuel for ALL athletes, Coast High Country Inn
11:30 – 14:00 Gear check for all participants who did not participate in the training course, hand-in of any missing paper work, hand-out of maps, race bibs, Coast High Country Inn
15:00 – 16:00 Briefing for volunteers, Coast High Country inn from
17:00 Pre-race dinner for all athletes and volunteers, Coast High Country Inn
February 8th, 2015
10:30 Start of the Yukon Arctic Ultra 2015, Shipyard’s Park, Whitehorse
Please note that the location for the indoor part of our training course has changed to the Gold Rush Inn. The timing for the training course has been updated, too.
Also, please note that I have included the hand out of Primus fuel on several occasions.
Trail conditions
It is still a bit early to say anything reliable about trail conditions. But it does look like there is a good chance trail conditions will be challenging. The Canadian Rangers who do all the hard work on the Quest trail were out this last weekend. I hope to get some feedback soon. The main problem seem to be the rivers. A lot of jumbled ice and lack of snow make up for a bad mixture. However, we have had perfect trail conditions before and then one week before the race it all went „bad“. It can still snow and colder temperatures can still have an impact.
I will keep you all up to date as I get the news.