After a short rest at Pelly Farm 300 mile athlete Marianne Heading (UK) is on her way back to Pelly Crossing. Gareth Hardcastle (UK) and Ahmad Fathi Junaidi (Brunei Darussalam) are quite a long way behind. So, if all goes well for Marianne on those last miles she will be 1st female and 1st overall.
Thierry Corbarieu (France) is still the leader of our 430 mile race. He received a credit of 4 hours and 56 minutes for the time he was held at Pelly Farm. The Scroggie Crew is looking forward to welcome him soon. Next up is Christof Teuscher (USA) and currently in 3rd place is Laura Trentani (Italy).
Unfortunately, MYAU hero Enrico (the locomotive) Ghidoni this time could not go beyond Pelly Farm. He had trouble with his achilles and yesterday his stomach gave him problems, too. He is now resting and will soon come with crew back to Pelly Crossing.
All other 430 mile athletes are doing great to excellent. It’s really amazing to see the fun they are having even, regardless of the cold, the long hours and the little pains they all are feeling.
Stewart Stirling and Anja have left to set up Indian River checkpoint further north, to be ready for Thierry. Josh and Gary will help with camp set-up and then be on stand-by. Glenn and Spencer are pulling stakes in the south and can help at this end of the trail if need be. Our film crew and photographers are out their and continue with their efforts to let everyone back home be part of the adventure.
All other crew members are divided up between Pelly Farm and Pelly Crossing. Tomorrow we will also set up our finish line in Dawson. Although it will still be a while before our first athletes get there.