Eliot Caton and John Greenslade arrive back in Pelly at 04:55. John is still in pain with his feet and both are exhausted but also really happy to have made it. And with quite a bit of time before the official cut-off. As team Eliot Edward Endurance they are also one of the first teams ever to reach the 300 mile finish. We have seen quite a few teams fall apart due to injury or simply because it’s very tough to go one speed the entire way. One in a team is often stronger than the other and then gets cold. Or one team member suffers from something and can’t keep up. John did suffer quite badly from his blistres. They stuck together anyway. That is awesome and will surely only increase their friendship. Having said that, there may also be some discussions as to who had the crazy idea to do all this in the first place …
We all will get some rest now before we had back on our long ride to Whitehorse. Tonight at around 6 PM we have a little finisher party at the Deck of the Coast High Country Inn. Everybody who was in the race and is still here – athletes, volunteers, friends and family – we will hopefully see you there.