All rental sleeping bags will be handed out in Whitehorse. In the past some European athletes already got their sleeping bags shipped to them prior to the race. Not this time. I am just mentioning this in case anybody who ordered one is wondering. I would also like to remind everyone renting a sleeping bag that it comes without a bivy bag and without a liner. Both of these products help giving some extra degrees of warmth and help keeping the sleeping bags clean. For that reason the liner is a must. Sleeping bags that are returned dirty will be cleaned at the expense of who rented. Bags with a damage will either be repaired or replaced and again any cost charged to the hirer. This goes for any rental gear. Therefore, all athletes with rental gear please have a good look at your gear before you start using it. Kind of like you would when renting a car …
Trail news
Trail news that are reaching us so far are surprisingly good. It looks like there are no issues with open water or more than the usual overflow. There is a lot of jumbled ice on Pelly River but I believe the rangers got the trail in already. Overall, there has been little snow but it seems just about enough and it snowed again a couple of days ago. I am always cautious, though. Things can change right until the day before we start. If there are any major changes I will inform again.