This morning it was – 30 degrees Celsius and it has not warmed up a lot. However, all athletes are handling the cold very well by now.
Unfortunately, James Innes had to scratch. He got a ride in with our guides. Enrique made it on his on and a long time before cut-off but will likely not continue.
Everybody else is doing well. Florian is now on his way to Pelly Farm and if he does not run into any unexpected difficulties he should win. First on foot is Jan but there is a race now. When Gavan came to Pelly Crossing and realised Jan had just left he did not stop for long. It will be interesting to follow those two guys now.
Bikers Tim and Wolfgang are on their way to Pelly Crossing. 66 year old Wolfgang is amazing. The things he has done in his sporting life are pretty crazy – amongst them a Deca Triathlon (38 km swim, 1,800 km bike, 422 km run). How is that for a start?
Also going strong are Bernadette Benson and Davide Lugato. Both on their way to Pelly Crossing.