The Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) plan to conduct measurements for the first time – during the Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra 2015. Robert H. Coker, PhD is an Associate Professor at UAF and has over 15 years of experience studying the regulation of metabolism during exercise under a variety of different physiological scenarios. Dr. Coker will be working with Dr. Mathias Steinbach from the Center of Space Medicine Berlin who has now continued his collaboration with the organizers of the Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra.
Whilst Dr. Mathias Steinbach is focusing on the 430 miles and the runners. Dr. Coker’s research will also include the 100 mile participants. Athletes who decide to partake in this study will receive detailed information of the investigated parameters, which will provide valuable information about their own health and performance level, which will be helpful in their further training and planning of their ongoing extreme marathons and expeditions. The measurements will especially provide feedback regarding:
- Energy- and nutritional needs
- Water balance
- Changes in body composition
- Sleep hygiene
- Clothing demands
Who Dr. Coker is looking for:
The participants in the study should be runners/cyclists/skiers aiming to complete the full distances of 100 or 430 miles and preferably be experienced. There are no age limitations, and he encourages women and men to participate in his study.
Parameters of Interest
During the race, Dr. Coker would like to evaluate the following variables
- Energy expenditure and activity
- Sleep parameters
In addition, he will measure changes prior to and immediately following the race
- Body composition (fat mass, fat free mass, and body water)
- Blood parameters (stress and metabolic hormones)
These data will provide us the UAF with a greater understanding of the interaction between environmental and physiological stresses on the human body in a dynamic environment.
If you would like to get more detailed information and/or participate in the study please email Dr. Coker at rcoker@alaska.edu as soon as possible.